
The Booking API specification (DCSA_BKG_v1.0.0) is used to create, update, get and/or cancel a booking. This API definition does not define the business rules regarding what is allowed to update at what time. For this the related Interface Standard for the Booking Process 1.0 should be consulted.
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Release notes

Beta 1 release of the DCSA OpenAPI definitions for Booking 2.0.0. This release adds Active Reefer Settings and Dangerous Goods. It improves the amendment flow. It removes the Events endPoint and now supports the Notification pattern.

  • Bump Documentation_Domain to version 3.0.0 (was previously v2.1.0)
  • Bump Error_Domain to version 3.0.0 (was previously v2.0.0)
  • Event_Domain no longer used
  • Check above Domains to see changes of objects since last version
  • summary-endPoints removed
  • Booking Request and Shipment endPoint consolidated into one GET endPoint
  • amendment flow improved. It is now possible to follow the status of an amendment via the amendedBookingStatus
  • events endPoint removed and a notification API added to support Push Notifications
  • Multiple examples added to most endPoints
  • Descriptions improved to all endPoints explaining flows