PINT Conformance as a Sending Platform

This document describes the specifics of measuring the conformance of an adopter implementation with the "sending platform" role of the Platform Interoperability (PINT) standard.


Read the Conformance Overview page to understand the key concepts and the approach used by DCSA to measure the conformance of adopters implementations with its standards.To create a sandbox for measuring Commercial Schedules conformance, follow the instructions in the Conformance Sandboxes page.To understand how to run conformance scenarios in general, consult the Conformance Scenarios page.

Creating the sandbox

Create a sandbox with the parameters from the screenshot below. The sandbox will contain the orchestrator and the synthetic counterpart of your application, which in this case is the receiving platform.

Configuring your application

After creating the sandbox, in the "Sandbox settings" page that opens automatically, use the parameters in the "Connecting to the sandbox" section to configure your application to configure to its synthetic counterpart (the receiving platform) in the sandbox.Since your application's counterpart (the synthetic receiving platform) from the sandbox does not need to connect to your application, there is no need to configure anything in the "Update sandbox settings" section, so just click "Cancel" to go to the sandbox home page, which contains the relevant PINT scenarios.

Running a transfer scenario

Each transfer scenario starts with a "Supply scenario parameters" action in which you parameterize the scenario with the necessary configuration values that allow the sandbox to communicate with your application and to validate its behavior.Copy and paste the provided JSON example into the text area, and change each value by setting:
  • "transportDocumentReference" to the TDR of the TD that your platform will send to its synthetic counterpart in the sandbox during this run of the scenario
  • "eblPlatform" to the code of your platform as defined in the API specification
  • "senderPublicKeyPEM" to the public key of the certificate that your application uses for signing in its role as a sending platform
  • "carrierPublicKeyPEM" to the public key that the carrier used for signing when issuing the TD that your platform will be sending in this run of the scenario
Note: Make sure that the JSON is valid by replacing all key newlines with "\n" as indicated in the example JSON.
Wait as indicated by the grey text with a spinner until the sandbox scenario setup completes, then when prompted, have your "sending platform" application send the transfer transaction request to the synthetic receiving platform from the sandbox:
Click "Refresh status" to inspect the conformance status of the request made by your application:
Note: Remember to click "Action completed" to end the scenario.