Commercial Schedules Conformance for Schedule Consumers

This document describes the specifics of measuring the conformance of an adopter implementation with the DCSA Commercial Schedules standard.


Read the Conformance Overview page to understand the key concepts and the approach used by DCSA to measure the conformance of adopters implementations with its standards.To create a sandbox for measuring Commercial Schedules conformance, follow the instructions in the Conformance Sandboxes page.To understand how to run conformance scenarios in general, consult the Conformance Scenarios page.

Schedule consumer conformance

Due to the very simple nature of the role of schedule consumer in the Commercial Schedules standard, there is very little in terms of measuring the conformance of your application with the standard.
Single request scenarios
In most scenarios, you are prompted to have your application make a request with a filter based on a certain set of parameters.
After having your application make the API request with the appropriate parameters, to which the synthetic schedule publisher running in the sandbox will respond with a set of schedules, click "Refresh status" to update the UI with the latest backend status and with the conformance result -- based on the correctness of your application's API request.Note: Remember to click "Action completed" to end the scenario.
Pagination scenarios
To measure the conformance of your schedule consumer application with the pagination mechanism defined by the Commercial Schedules standard, three scenarios are provided, one for each schedule type. Each pagination scenario consists of two API request actions.In the first request action, you are prompted to have your application retrieve the first page of schedule results with a set of parameters that are provided to you in the UI.
Once you had your application send the API request that fetches the first page, click "Refresh status" to fetch the latest backend information.When the conformance status of the first API request action is updated, click "Action completed" to proceed to the second request action.Follow the prompt of the second action, fetching the cursor from the headers of the response to the first action and using it as the only query parameter to fetch the second results page.
Follow the prompt of the second action, fetching the cursor from the headers of the response to the first action and using it as the only query parameter to fetch the second results page.After your application fetched the second page, click "Refresh status" and then "Action completed" when the status was updated.Note: Remember to click "Action completed" to end the scenario.